Experiencing Depression as a Family

Can Depression Affect the Whole Family?

The general well-being of a family has a significant influence on each family member. When one person in a family is experiencing depression, everyone else in the family may experience difficult emotions as well. Social and environmental influences can affect psychological and emotional health. Significant transitions and major life events, such as the death of a loved one, unemployment, or illness, may also contribute to health issues that affect both the body and mind. This includes depression. Although highly treatable, depression requires careful evaluation and diagnosis by a professional health care provider.

How to Recognize Symptoms of Depression

Family members may be first to spot the signs and symptoms of depression. It can be difficult to see someone you love lose interest in things they used to enjoy such as hobbies, friendships, social activities etc. Those experiencing depression can become irritable, uncharacteristically sad, have drastic mood changes, with frequent complaints of physical aches and pains. There can also be a tendency to mask or numb intense feelings by abusing drugs or drinking too much alcohol. Symptoms of depression can also include oversleeping or insomnia, and eating much more or less than usual, resulting in either obesity or weight loss.

While these external warning signs can let you know that someone in the family needs help, it’s also important to recognize any uncomfortable emotions you and the rest of the household may feel. It’s understandable to be frustrated and angry when you see someone you love struggling. It can be difficult to cope with these feelings and you may be left wondering how you can be supportive while managing your own emotions.

You may notice that your family member is pulling back from their usual activities, the family may even pull away as well and function without the person. Regardless of the reason for depression, the family may feel a strong sense of guilt and feel anxious about whether the person can overcome their symptoms.

Can Counseling Help My Loved One with Their Depression?

It can be important to show love, support, understanding, and care to a loved one who is experiencing symptoms of depression. Depression is a chronic and pervasive medical condition, you cannot simply “will” yourself to feel better. When a negative pattern of thinking starts to rule your relative’s life, it may be time to seek professional help with a qualified therapist.

While therapy has been shown to be helpful in treating remission, not everyone is open to the idea initially. There can be a variety of reasons for a person to be apprehensive about therapy. There may be concerns about whether their depression can be treated, feelings of hopelessness are common with depression, if one is feeling hopeless, they may feel that they are “beyond help” and be resistant to engaging in counseling. Additionally, a loss of energy is common with depression, with decreased energy adding therapy to the mix may seem impossible.

Encouraging your family member to seek treatment can be an essential step to achieve recovery. Without treatment, depression can worsen into other illnesses. Depression is a medical condition that can be treated effectively by a qualified professional. Depression can be incredibly isolating, but you and your family are not alone.

The Family That Seeks Therapy Together

There can be a greater chance of recovery when depression is treated utilizing the connection that exists within the family, with the aim of improving the overall functioning of the entire family. When a family functions better, the same can be true of all its members.

If you or someone you love is experiencing symptoms of depression, seek help from Carolina Counseling Services — Pittsboro, NC. There are independently contracted counselors with years of experience and training in treating depression. Upon your call, you will be matched with the right therapist for you. Call now to schedule an appointment. You and CCS — Pittsboro, NC. can join forces to put an end to your family distress.

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