Is Confidence Important
for my Child?

A person’s childhood and further success in life can be strongly influenced by their level of confidence. Confidence begins to build in childhood, but it can be developed at any point in life. It is widely believed that it is simpler to help your child develop confidence than to repair damage caused by poor self-confidence later in life. Children aren’t born with confidence. Their experiences, environment and parenting style have a powerful influence on their emotional development. You can have an important role in shaping your child’s level of confidence and in their emotional development.

Confidence and Self-Esteem

A healthy amount of self-confidence is important for your child to have a better chance of succeeding in life. Self-confidence is defined as “the belief in oneself and their abilities … it describes an internal state made up of what we think and feel about ourselves.” Because confidence is influenced by personal experiences, it is common for it to change. This means that your child may feel confident in certain circumstances and less confident in others.

Confidence and self-esteem have subtle differences, but are closely related, and many people tend to use the terms interchangeably. Basically, self-confidence refers to how a person feels about themselves and their abilities. According to Skills You Need, “Confidence is … a state of mind … Confidence comes from feelings of well-being, acceptance of your body and mind (self-esteem) and belief in your own ability, skills and experience.” On the other hand, self-esteem refers to one’s sense of self-worth and self-appreciation. In simple terms, self-esteem can determine your child’s level of self-confidence.

Both should not be underestimated. Many behavior problems among children can be traced to poor self-esteem and low self-confidence. It is also important to note that healthy self-esteem and self- confidence are VERY different than being self-centered or having an inflated view of oneself.

Can Self-Esteem Impact Quality of Life?

Self-esteem can influence your child’s ability to be content with themselves and what they have. It can give them the confidence to accept who they are and to engage in novel experiences openly and without fear. It can help them to feel loved and appreciated. It can give them the courage to venture into new things and the humility and graciousness to accept mistakes and failures.

Conversely, having a poor self-esteem can lead to poor self-confidence. According to Kathy Hardie-Williams, expert contributor to Good Therapy, “Self-esteem is the foundation for how we are in the world.” She also said that it “is the most under-acknowledged component of mental health “Thus, low self-esteem can go beyond poor self-confidence to breed emotional conditions and challenges like anxiety, depression, isolation, etc.

If your child has low self-esteem and low confidence, they may perceive the world as a scary, hostile place. This can lead to a reluctance to take part in activities and difficulty asserting themselves. They may miss out on wonderful opportunities and experiences.

Parenting and Counseling: Supporting Self-Esteem and Confidence

You cannot fix everything in your child’s life or protect them from every hardship, however, you can help them to develop a healthy sense of self and confidence in themselves. Praise, support, and encouragement are important. As a parent, you are in a position to challenge your child’s perceptions and thinking, which could be influencing their self-esteem and confidence.

Your child’s self-esteem and confidence can be heavily connected to their early experiences. This underscores the important role of parenting in their development. Providing for their physical and material needs is important. Ensuring that they have a safe and nurturing environment that fosters healthy living and development is crucial. Equally important is investing in their emotional growth to help them develop a healthy level of self-esteem and confidence.

Building self-esteem and confidence can be overwhelming. A little help from a licensed therapist independently contracted with Carolina Counseling Services — Pittsboro, NC can go a long, long way.

It can be hard to know where to turn when investing in your child’s emotional development. A counselor independently contracted with Carolina Counseling Services — Pittsboro, NC, can be the right partner when it comes to building your child’s self-esteem and confidence. Call today and schedule your first appointment.