Is Marriage Counseling
Covered by Insurance?

Marriage can be one of the most complicated relationships two human beings can get into. It is more than choosing a partner with whom to face life’s twists and turns. Getting married and raising a family together is rarely simple. In fact, no committed relationships exist conflict-free.

When a couple has frequent arguments, full-blown disputes or has simply stopped having fun, the relationship may become threatened. You may feel overwhelmed or even embarrassed about this, causing you to try to find resolution on your own. You aren’t alone, marriage counseling can help. 

When you decide to seek counseling, one of your first concerns may be the cost. It is an unfortunate reality that money can be a barrier to getting the help you need. Thankfully, your health insurance may cover counseling.

When Does Insurance Cover Marriage or Couples Counseling?

As a rule, no insurance covers marriage counseling. Any service (counseling included) is only covered by health insurance if it is “medically necessary”. In order for treatment to be considered medically necessary counseling must be used in order to treat a diagnosis. This diagnosis can include adjustment disorders, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders etc. 

When one spouse meets criteria for a diagnosable condition therapy becomes medically necessary to improve functioning and decrease intrusive symptoms. There is no question that relationship conflict can impact your mood and functioning. If your relationship conflict is contributing to symptoms of a mental health condition you may engage in family counseling sessions with your partner to work on improving symptoms, functioning AND your relationship. 

How to Get Started 

When your marriage or relationship has taken a downward turn and conflict is creating distance between you and your partner, seeking professional help can be a logical next step. Many couples wait an average of six years in an unhappy marriage before considering counseling as a “last resort” to save their relationship.

You don’t have to wait for your marriage to deteriorate and things to become unmanageable before seeking counseling. Carolina Counseling Services – Pittsboro, NC contracts with skilled couples counselors and marriage therapists. Call today to schedule your first appointment.

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