Symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
Knowing When It’s Something More

There is a big difference between the typical independence-seeking behavior of teens and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). During their teenage years, individuals will begin to question and build their sense of self. Part of this is becoming more independent and challenging rules and norms. Some of this can be helpful to development, however, too much can be unhealthy. 

It is important for parents to be aware of the symptoms of ODD, especially if you are concerned that your child’s behavior may be more than just an expected phase. 

Identifying the Signs and Symptoms

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, (DSM-5-TR), categorizes ODD as a pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior or vindictiveness lasting at least six months including four symptoms listed below. These behaviors must also be exhibited with at least on individual who is NOT their sibling:

  1. Often loses temper
  2. Being easily annoyed or “touchy”
  3. Often angry and resentful
  4. Often argues with authority figures
  5. Often actively defies or refuses to comply with requests or rules
  6. Will often deliberately annoy others
  7. Often blames others for their mistakes or behaviors
  8. Has been spiteful or vindictive at least twice within the last 6 months

ODD can be complicated as many of the symptoms listed above can be exhibited by any child or teen and not be indicative of a mental health condition. The defining factor is often whether or not symptoms impact functioning. 

If the above symptoms impact how your child engages at school, home or socially then it is likely that their behaviors are symptoms rather than part of development. 

Harnessing the Strengths of an ODD Child

Children will decide who they want to be and eventually, it is up to them to realize their goals. It is not different with oppositional defiant children. They have always existed, only they were referred to differently before there was more of an awareness. Oftentimes these children would be labeled “rebels” and would be punished rather than receive treatment to improve their behaviors. 

On a positive note, the stubborn stance of ODD children and teens is the strength that empowers them to be different. Many famous and successful people were oppositional while growing up and pursuing their dreams. Worth mentioning are Steve Jobs and James Lehman, creators of Apple and Total Transformation, respectively. Although both lived with ODD, they became influential people who went on to significantly impact others. With proper intervention growth is possible. 

Resolving Problematic Behaviors with Therapy

It is not easy to parent a child with ODD. Your child may challenge you and thrive on the chaos that results from the battles. You may feel lost as to what kind of parenting techniques to use. This can leave you feeling vulnerable and lead you to worry whether it is your fault. You aren’t alone. 

Carolina Counseling Services – Pittsboro, NC contracts with therapists who understand ODD and know how to effectively treat symptoms. Call CCS and schedule your first appointment today.