What Are Common Myths About Depression?

Depression is a serious mental health condition that impacts a large number of people. Despite it being a commonly experienced disorder, it is often misunderstood. The more you know about depression the more able you are to spot its symptoms and intervene sooner rather than later. Depression is treatable, though intervention is necessary. Early intervention can be key in your recovery. Therapy is an effective intervention that can help you find remission from your depressive symptoms. 

Common Myths About Depression

While sadness is natural and to be expected, depression is not. There are many myths about depression that can delay you getting the treatment you need and deserve. 

Myths about depression can include: 

  • You can snap out of it. Unfortunately, even today many people believe you can simply “snap out of depression”. As if by sheer will you can cure yourself of a serious disorder. This myth can be harmful and can delay treatment. Depression is treatable, though only with proper intervention that often involves counseling and medication management. 
  • Depression is just feeling sad. While a sad mood is a symptom of a major depressive episode, it is not the only symptom. Depression can also include irritability, sleep difficulties, appetite changes, difficulty making decisions, feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness, fatigue as well as thoughts of death and/or suicide. Becoming more aware of these symptoms can help you to get help sooner rather than later. 
  • Being positive will make it go away. Positive thoughts are not enough to cure depression. In fact, this myth can add to “toxic positivity”. This is when we don’t allow space for any type of negativity, leaving little room for reality or authentic expression of real feelings. Positive thinking can be helpful when used appropriately but it will not cure depression alone. Once positivity has become toxic it can actually make depressive symptoms worse. 
  • Depression is caused by events. While negative life events and experiences can worsen symptoms of depression they do not necessarily cause them. Depression is a medical condition that can occur without an identifiable trigger. This myth can cause individuals to feel like they have to prove their right to feel depressed which can also worsen symptoms. Nothing gets better after a layer of guilt and shame has been added. 
  • Depression is a sign of weakness. Even today some people still believe this myth. Depression is not a character flaw and does not mean you are weak. Depression is a medical condition that no one chooses or “catches” due to weakness. 

How Can Depression Be Treated?

As mentioned, depression is treatable. Early intervention can be key as symptoms will rarely improve on their own. Oftentimes a combination of therapy and medication management can be most effective in treating symptoms of depression. 

Carolina Counseling Services in Pittsboro contracts with skilled, licensed therapists who are effective in treating depression. Call today to schedule your first appointment!

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