Anxiety and it’s Causes:
 Find Your Why

Anxiety is useful in some situations. It can let us know when something isn’t safe or if it may be violating our boundaries. It can, however, become overwhelming especially when it occurs at inopportune times. When we experience panic or worry in otherwise “safe” situations it may be worth a deeper look. If you are experiencing anxiety you are likely familiar with your symptoms, however, you may be wondering what caused them. While everyone is different, there are some common causes for many.

Identifying the Possible Causes of Anxiety

  1. Previous Experiences: If you have experienced trauma in the past you may be more likely to experience anxiety afterward or later in life. This is not definite, however, trauma or negative experiences often lead to symptoms of anxiety.
  2. Life Circumstances: Isolation can lead to anxiety. If you find that you are spending more time on your own or that your support system seems to have dwindled, you may be more predisposed to anxiety.
  3. Stressors: Having a lot on your plate or being exposed to a multitude of stressors can lead to symptoms of anxiety. When we spend a great deal of time feeling overwhelmed it is natural to worry and begin to feel anxious.
  4. Health Problems: Problems with our health can be stressful, understandably leading to symptoms of anxiety. Some health problems can also create anxiety symptoms when they are not yet well managed.
  5. Family History: If you have a family history of anxiety you may be more likely to develop an anxiety disorder. Again, this is not for certain though there are higher rates for those with a family history.

Treating Your Why

Therapy can be highly effective in treating anxiety disorders. Regardless of what may have caused your symptoms, counseling can help. You don’t have to struggle in silence, you aren’t alone.

Carolina Counseling Services – Pittsboro, NC Office contracts with therapists who know how to treat anxiety. Many therapists are trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), both known to be effective in treating anxiety. Call CCS today to get started.

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